
Engineering a new spin for disease diagnostics

Researchers at the National University of Singapore have created a new platform with the potential to extract tiny circulating biomarkers of disease from patient blood. This simple, fast and convenient technique could help ...

Green spaces in cities help control floods, store carbon

For many ecologists, fieldwork involves majestic mountains or rushing rivers or large tracts of wilderness. At the very least, it means exploring natural areas that aren't defined by human development.

Fish team up for more food

Cooperative behaviour to acquire food resources has been observed in hunting carnivores and web-building social spiders. Now researchers have found comparable behaviours in a fish species. A tiny striped fish called Neolamprologus ...

Teachers, pedagogical skills, and the obstacle of intuition

When a task calls for intuitive knowledge, as in "subtracting means taking something away," its complexity often goes unnoticed. However, when intuitions are not mobilized – having to grasp, for instance, that subtracting ...

Oxygen loss could be a huge issue for oceans

A major study into an ancient climate change event that affected a significant percentage of Earth's oceans has brought into sharp focus a lesser-known villain in global warming: oxygen depletion.

New transistor concept, solar cell included

ICN2 researchers have developed a novel concept in transistor technology: a two-in-one power source plus transistor device that runs on solar energy. Published in Advanced Functional Materials, lead author Amador Pérez-Tomás ...

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