
New opportunities for 3-D technology in medicine

Until now, physicians have largely been skeptical of the advantages of 3D technology. But this may be about to change: the findings of a new study show that even experienced surgeons stand to benefit from the third dimension.

Dragonflies, as climate change indicators

Monitoring communities of climate sensitive species, such as insects, could enable scientists to develop indicators for climate change effects on biodiversity and help devise policies to protect it.

News Corp shows, tell details of education tablet

News Corp. took the wraps off its new tablet computer for the school market Wednesday, saying the device would use "digital innovation to transform teaching and learning."

African elephants face 'alarming declines'

African elephants face the worst crisis since global trade in ivory was banned almost a quarter-century ago, with the risk of extinction rising in worst-hit nations, conservationists said Wednesday.

Screening preferred to halt invasive species

(Phys.org) —Stakeholders interested in the environmental impacts of North America's horticultural industry would prefer a mandatory screening process—over other policy options, such as fees or taxes—to help effectively ...

Europe's natural habitats under threat

Climate change, intensive farming and urban sprawl - are putting Europe's parkland and biological diversity under increasing pressure. The natural environment can only take so much pressure, before it becomes spoiled, and ...

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