
South Africa's water sector—a case study in state capture

A lot of what is being presented as radical economic transformation initiatives in South Africa is simply state capture by a corrupt elite. The water sector provides a lens through which this issue can be viewed in a very ...

Bandicoot and bilby review finds gaps in current knowledge

The evolutionary history of a group of native Australasian marsupials that look like a cross between a rabbit and a rat require further research to fill in knowledge gaps, a review by Perth academics suggests.

Colliding galaxy clusters

Galaxy clusters contain a few to thousands of galaxies and are the largest bound structures in the universe. Most galaxies are members of a cluster. Our Milky Way, for example, is a member of the "Local Group," a set of about ...

New dwarf satellite galaxy of Messier 83 found

(Phys.org)—Astronomers have found a new dwarf satellite of Messier 83 (M83, also known as the Southern Pinwheel Galaxy) located some 85,000 light years from its host. This satellite galaxy was designated dw1335-29 and could ...

Image: Saturn's great storm of 2011

These colourful swirls depict an unprecedented storm that played out in the northern hemisphere of the gas giant Saturn from December 2010 until June 2011.

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