
Second strongest shock wave found in merging galaxy clusters

The discovery by a physics doctoral student at The University of Alabama in Huntsville (UAH) of the second-strongest merger shock in clusters of galaxies ever observed has generated excitement that is opening doors to further ...

Medieval women better dressed than men

Women in the Middle Ages often wore better quality clothes than men. This is one of the conclusions drawn by Leiden archaeologist Chrystel Brandenburgh, who studied textile remnants from the period from 400 to 1000 A.D. PhD ...

Unique nano-capsules promise the targeted drug delivery

Scientists have been engaged with drug delivery systems for a long time. Many "nano-carriages" for drug delivery to the desired location have been created, but many challenges remain, including preventing the medicine from ...

Pregnancy changes perception of odours and tastes

The perception and reactions to odours and tastes can change in pregnancy, sometimes dramatically. This is also true for flies. The mechanisms, however, that trigger these changes are not understood in either mammals or insects. ...

Review: iPhone SE features smaller screen, lower price

Small, medium or large? You might drive a Toyota Prius, and I might drive a Chevrolet Silverado. I might like a shot of espresso while you might like a Big Gulp. Seems like there's a right size for everything - including ...

IBM invites users to test its quantum computer

IBM on Wednesday opened its quantum computer processor to anyone who wants to try what is expected to be a new kind of computing with enormously improved power and speed.

Google is sounding more and more like Microsoft

Google once famously adopted "don't be evil" as its motto. But the company is now being accused of acting a lot like Microsoft, whose anti-competitive actions gained it the mocking moniker of the "Evil Empire."

Petcube, the Skype for Fido

Ever been stuck late at the office while your furry friend is home alone, and wished you could give Fido or Fluffy a quick ring or text to check in?

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