
Science, bugs team up to fight hemlock-eating pest

(AP) -- For nearly 60 years, scientists have watched helplessly as a war of bug vs. hemlock played out from Georgia to Maine. Now they've got a new weapon in their arsenal - another bug - and say the tide is turning, at ...

Arianespace says it plans 12 launches in 2011

Arianespace said on Tuesday that it planned 10 launches in 2011, including six of its Ariane 5 rockets and the first Russian Soyuz rockets from the European space base in French Guiana beginning in August.

Wake up and smell the willow

More plant matter could be burned in coal-fired power stations if this 'green' fuel was delivered pre-roasted like coffee beans, according to researchers from the University of Leeds, UK.

New solar cell self-repairs like natural plant systems

(PhysOrg.com) -- Researchers are creating a new type of solar cell designed to self-repair like natural photosynthetic systems in plants by using carbon nanotubes and DNA, an approach aimed at increasing service life and ...

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