
Swedish Mars instrument selected by ESA

HABIT is the name of the first Swedish instrument to be placed on the surface of Mars. It was developed by an international research team led by Professor Javier Martín-Torres and Professor María-Paz Zorzano at Luleå University ...

Google ups ante, nearly doubles bet on renewable energy

Google is nearly doubling the amount of renewable energy feeding its massive data centers that enable more than 1 billion people to search for information, watch video clips and communicate virtually anytime they want.

Generation Y struggling for job security

It can take young people up to a decade to secure a stable and meaningful job after leaving secondary school, according to Australia's most comprehensive youth trends study, the Life Patterns project.

Offshore exploration ban in Belize

On 1 December 2016, the government of Belize announced a policy intended to ban offshore oil exploration within the seven marine parks that make up the Belize Barrier Reef Reserve System World Heritage site. This should effectively ...

Making colorful buildings that convert solar light into energy

By converting sunlight into usable energy, solar thermal devices could become an important part of a sustainable future. To that end, researchers have developed a new solar-light-absorbing surface that can have almost any ...

Questions about the science of beer

Of all the people who really like beer (and there are a lot of them), most don't really understand how it's made. Sure, there's an art to brewing – but there's science as well. To learn more about the science of beer, we ...

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