
How effective are tropical forest conservation policies?

Numerous types of forest conservation policies are being implemented in the tropics today. Alongside traditional instruments like protected areas, incentives like integrated conservation and development programs, certification ...

Soda prices may only partly bubble up if taxes pass

Four cities will be voting Nov. 8 on whether to tax soda and other sugar-sweetened beverages. Some proponents say the taxes would raise prices by exactly the amount of the tax, encouraging consumers to cut down on soda and ...

Data traffic system switches control to network administrators

Torrents of information flow through computer data centers, driving the operations of financial markets, communications systems, commerce and just about any complex web-based activity. Much of modern society is built on these ...

Birds maintain rare plant species, study finds

Outside of human influences, why do rare plant species persist instead of dwindling away to extinction? It's a question that has plagued ecologists for centuries. Now, for the first time, scientists at Penn State and Universidad ...

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