
Cell signals that trigger wound healing are surprisingly complex

In a sharp and pointy world, wound healing is a critical and marvelous process. Despite a tremendous amount of scientific study, many outstanding mysteries still surround the way in which cells in living tissue respond to ...

Livestock grazing harming giant panda habitat

Increased livestock grazing in China's Wanglang National Nature Preserve has damaged one third of all giant panda habitat in the park, a new study by Chinese and U.S. scientists finds.

Scotland says no to fracking

Fracking will be banned in Scotland following a widespread public backlash against onshore drilling, the government said on Tuesday.

New machine evaluates soybean at harvest for quality

When a field of soybeans is ready to harvest, speed is of the essence. But harvesting grinds to a halt every time the combine operator has to climb down out of the cab to manually check for quality—whole, un-split beans ...

Research suggests social action may give youth a career edge

When disadvantaged youth engage in social activism, they tend to have high-status occupations in adulthood, according to Clemson University and University of Michigan researchers. The findings also suggest there's a place ...

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