
Studying the mystery of Uranus's curiously weak radiation belts

When the Voyager 2 spacecraft visited Uranus almost 50 years ago, it discovered a magnetic mystery. Unlike on most planets, the ice giant's magnetic field is tilted roughly 60° away from its spin axis, creating an asymmetric ...

How politicizing migration harms health

Politicians around the world are increasingly mobilizing anti-immigrant sentiment to garner support and votes—a trend that is especially evident as the US presidential election approaches.

Scientists discover a new velvet worm species in Ecuador

Scientists have described the first new species of Ecuadorian velvet worm in more than 100 years. Named the Tiputini velvet worm (Oroperipatus tiputini), it was discovered in the lowland forests of the northern Amazon.

In hot water and beyond: Marine extremes escalate

Marine life in the water column depends on the right combination of water temperature, acidity, and oxygen levels, so creatures such as fish and plankton can be hard hit by large regional fluctuations in any of these parameters. ...

Honey bees vote to decide on nest sites—why we should listen

When people think of honey bees, they often think of classic wooden hives, in which beekeepers are having to breed more and more bees just to keep managed populations stable. These man-made boxes, designed to facilitate pollination ...

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