
Microbial diversity throughout ice sheet melt season

Researchers in the School of Geographical Sciences recently published the first ever study of the effects of snow and wind on the ecology of micro-organisms on the Greenland Ice Sheet.

Dusty substructure in a galaxy far far away

Scientists at the Max Planck Institute for Astrophysics (MPA) have combined high-resolution images from the ALMA telescopes with a new scheme for undoing the distorting effects of a powerful gravitational lens in order to ...

ALMA disentangles complex birth of giant stars

A research group led by Aya Higuchi, a researcher at Ibaraki University, conducted observations of the massive-star forming region IRAS 16547-4247 with the Atacama Large Millimeter/submillimeter Array (ALMA). The observation ...

The humorous path to academic success

Academics and universities are in a race: to produce high impact publications, to gain citations, bring in grant income and climb university rankings. In this rat race, perhaps the true path to academic success gets lost.

Latin America divided between oil and green energy

Latin America spends billions of dollars subsidizing fossil fuels each year, but also has some of the world's largest renewable power programs, highlighting the energy-hungry region's divisions as it charts its future.

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