
A new method for measuring X-ray optics aberrations

(PhysOrg.com) -- In a new report, scientists from the University of Rochester, Cornell University, and the Brookhaven and Argonne national laboratories carrying out research at national laboratories including the U.S. Department ...

Electrons seem heavier in extremely thin silicon

For years now, transistors have been getting smaller and smaller. Research conducted by Jan-Laurens van der Steen of the MESA+ Institute for Nanotechnology at University of Twente, The Netherlands, has shown that electrons ...

SIM-Drive Corp announces new 'in-wheel' electric car

(PhysOrg.com) -- SIM-Drive Corporation, a Japanese consortium based in Kawasaki-shi and comprised of 34 companies and municipalities, has announced that it has developed a functioning electric car based on in-wheel electric ...

Spring is fireball season

What are the signs of spring? They are as familiar as a blooming Daffodil, a songbird at dawn, a surprising shaft of warmth from the afternoon sun. And, oh yes, don't forget the meteors.

Fruit fly antennae are tuned in

(PhysOrg.com) -- The antennal ears of different fruit fly species are actively tuned to high-frequency components of their respective mating songs, according to new research led by University College London scientists.

Power cables light the future path of superconductivity

One hundred years ago this month, superconductivity was discovered in the lab of Dutch physicist Heike Kamerlingh Onnes. Since then many more materials have shown to be superconducting, providing new applications and creating ...

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