Search results for sf state

Ecology Jun 23, 2020

Airborne mapping sheds light on climate sensitivity of California redwoods

Throughout California, the effects of climate change are evident from increasing frequencies of intense wildfires and mudslides to widespread and prolonged droughts. These changes also threaten one of California's most iconic ...

Social Sciences May 5, 2020

Already vulnerable, gig economy workers in SF suffer during pandemic, survey finds

A new survey of app-based ride-hailing and food and grocery-delivery workers in San Francisco underscores the financial vulnerability of workers in the gig economy—and the coronavirus has made their plight much worse, according ...

Quantum Physics Feb 5, 2020

Ultracold gases in time-dependent magnetic fields

It is now technically possible to hold groups of atoms at temperatures that are only a few hundredths of a degree above absolute zero. This so-called 'ultracold gas' loaded in an optical lattice is an extremely powerful platform ...

Education Nov 27, 2019

Study: Student attitudes toward cheating may spill over into their careers

A recent study authored by professors at two California State University campuses, including San Francisco State University, found that students' tolerance for cheating has a high probability of bleeding over into their careers ...

Social Sciences Nov 18, 2019

Steep energy bills can lead families into poverty, nationwide study shows

While it makes sense that families living below the poverty line have a difficult time covering their energy bills, new University of Wisconsin Oshkosh research shows the reverse to be true as well—high energy bills can ...

Economics & Business Aug 14, 2019

Study reveals school savings accounts can dry up in 'financial deserts'

Children's savings accounts (CSAs), offered by elementary schools throughout San Francisco and in schools across the nation, were introduced to boost college-going rates, limit student debt and foster equal opportunity for ...

Social Sciences Jun 14, 2019

Despite dire predictions, levels of social support remain steady in the U.S.

Although Americans have faced waves of social, technological and economic disruption over the last few decades, a new study indicates that their perceptions of available social support have remained steady and, in some cases, ...

Security May 14, 2019

San Francisco to vote on banning face recognition technology

San Francisco supervisors will vote on surveillance oversight legislation Tuesday that includes a ban on the use of facial recognition technology by police and other city departments.

Security May 13, 2019

San Francisco may ban police, city use of facial recognition

San Francisco is on track to become the first U.S. city to ban the use of facial recognition by police and other city agencies, reflecting a growing backlash against a technology that's creeping into airports, motor vehicle ...

Social Sciences Mar 26, 2019

Study finds that income inequality is driving growing income gap between different regions

There's an old saying about a rising tide lifting all boats—and for more than a century, as the gap between the richest and poorest parts of the United States shrank, it seemed as though, in America at least, it might be ...

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