Search results for regional accents

Social Sciences Jul 15, 2020

Northern accents are becoming more similar, suggests new research

The accents of educated city dwellers across the North of England are becoming more similar, according to new research from The University of Manchester.

Plants & Animals Apr 29, 2020

First spotted lanternfly hatches reported: Expert provides tips for pest management

Even before the recent news of the season's first confirmed spotted lanternfly hatches in the Philadelphia region, homeowners in many parts of Pennsylvania were gearing up for their annual battle with the destructive pest.

Evolution Mar 10, 2020

Birds of a feather really do flock together

A species of tiny bird, found on a small island has evolved into five different color variations depending on where on the island it lives.

Social Sciences Feb 26, 2020

Bilingual mash ups: Counterintuitive findings from sociolinguistics

A new study exposes the fallacy of relying on pronunciation as a measure of linguistic proficiency. The study, 'Revisiting phonetic integration in bilingual borrowing', by Shana Poplack, Suzanne Robillard, Nathalie Dion (all ...

Social Sciences Nov 11, 2019

Why having a regional accent doesn't hold you back in top job interviews

Having a regional accent did not count against candidates applying for jobs, a study by the University of York has found.

Economics & Business Nov 7, 2019

How your speech could impact your salary

Most Americans are aware that English sounds different throughout the country, and that those regional differences can contribute to widely held stereotypes. But a leading University of Chicago economist has uncovered how ...

Ecology Aug 5, 2019

In French mountains, bear attacks leave shepherds skittish

As day breaks over the Pyrenees mountains, hundreds of sheep scuttle up a valley, the clanging of their neck bells echoing around the hills that fringe the French-Spanish border.

Consumer & Gadgets Mar 27, 2019

Smart speakers are everywhere—and they're listening to more than you think

Smart speakers equipped with digital voice assistants such as Siri and Alexa are now the fastest-growing consumer technology since the smartphone.

Social Sciences Feb 4, 2019

Broad regional accents are a barrier to social mobility, research finds

Many people aspire to improve their lives through gaining promotion at work, new qualifications or starting a new career. However, research by academics from The University of Manchester and the University of Bath has found ...

Plants & Animals Dec 19, 2018

Groups of pilot whales have their own dialects

In humans, different social groups, cities, or regions often have distinct accents and dialects. Those vocal traits are not unique to us, however. A new study from the Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution (WHOI) has found ...

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