Search results for primitive whales

Biotechnology May 6, 2014

Humans and squids evolved the same eyes using the same genes

Eyes and wings are among the most stunning innovations evolution has created. Remarkably these features have evolved multiple times in different lineages of animals. For instance, the avian ancestors of birds and the mammalian ...

Archaeology Mar 26, 2014

Ancient sea creatures filtered food like modern whales

The animals lived 520 million years ago during the Early Cambrian, a period known as the 'Cambrian Explosion' in which all the major animal groups and complex ecosystems suddenly appeared. Tamisiocaris belongs to a group ...

Archaeology Feb 5, 2014

Strange marine mammals of ancient North Pacific revealed

The pre-Ice Age marine mammal community of the North Pacific formed a strangely eclectic scene, research by a Geology PhD student at New Zealand's University of Otago reveals.

Archaeology Oct 31, 2013

Necks question... how did the biggest dinosaurs get so big?

Alongside Tyrannosaurus rex, the basic sauropod dinosaur is one of the most iconic and instantly recognisable of prehistoric animals. Not only is their elegant shape with four columnar limbs, a long muscular tail and a hugely ...

Plants & Animals Jul 17, 2013

Fossil shows fish had sucker on its back

( —A 30-million-year-old fossil has revealed how remoras – also called sharksuckers – evolved the sucker that enables them to stick to other fish and 'hitch a ride'.

Plants & Animals Apr 22, 2013

A vertebrate family reunion

By demonstrating the close 'relatedness' of two primitive jawless fish, scientists begin to assemble a more accurate depiction of the early history of vertebrate evolution.

Archaeology Apr 4, 2013

Dwarf whale survived well into Ice Age

Research from New Zealand's University of Otago detailing the fossil of a dwarf baleen whale from Northern California reveals that it avoided extinction far longer than previously thought.

Archaeology Mar 5, 2013

Scientists discover new crocodilian, hippo-like species from Panama

University of Florida paleontologists have discovered remarkably well-preserved fossils of two crocodilians and a mammal previously unknown to science during recent Panama Canal excavations that began in 2009.

Archaeology Jan 16, 2013

Earliest sea cow ancestors originated in Africa, lived in fresh water

A new fossil discovered in Tunisia represents the oldest known ancestor of modern-day sea cows, supporting the African origins of these marine mammals. The find is described in research published January 16 in the open access ...

Plants & Animals Oct 28, 2011

Scientists film hagfish anti-shark slime weapon

( -- The hagfish found in New Zealand’s deepest waters is grotesque enough, thanks to its scary protruding teeth straight from a horror film.  Now, scientists have witnessed the full power of its other ...

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