Search results for microscopic roundworms

Biotechnology Sep 24, 2020

Researchers demonstrate how deep learning can advance study of neural degeneration

Researchers from North Carolina State University have demonstrated the utility of artificial intelligence (AI) in identifying and categorizing neural degeneration in the model organism C. elegans. The tool uses deep learning, ...

Plants & Animals Sep 10, 2020

Researchers discover how worms pass knowledge of a pathogen to offspring

When humans see their children about to eat something they oughtn't, we can simply tell them, "Don't eat that. It'll make you sick." Those who listen to this advice are spared the painful experience of learning that lesson ...

Cell & Microbiology Aug 19, 2020

Study finds clues to aging in 'junk' DNA

For decades, greater than 60% of the human genome was believed to be "junk DNA" that served little or no purpose in the course of human development. Recent research by Colorado State University is challenging this notion ...

Plants & Animals Aug 10, 2020

Biology blurs line between sexes, behaviors

Biological sex is typically understood in binary terms: male and female. However, there are many examples of animals that are able to modify sex-typical biological and behavioral features and even change sex. A new study, ...

Earth Sciences Jun 8, 2020

Glacier mice: these herds of moss-balls roam the ice—and we're uncovering their mysteries

Glaciers are commonly considered to be cold and barren places that are hostile to life. Plants cannot grow directly on these slowly flowing bodies of ice, but life can be found here nonetheless, and perhaps none of it stranger ...

Plants & Animals Jun 1, 2020

Loggerhead sea turtles host diverse community of miniature organisms

There is a world of life on the backs of loggerhead sea turtles, and it's more abundant and diverse than scientists knew.

Biotechnology Nov 21, 2019

Researchers sequence genome of the 'devil worm'

When scientists discovered a worm deep in an aquifer nearly one mile underground, they hailed it as the discovery of the deepest-living animal ever found. Now American University researchers, reporting in Nature Communications, ...

General Physics Nov 8, 2019

Researchers convert 2-D images into 3-D using deep learning

A UCLA research team has devised a technique that extends the capabilities of fluorescence microscopy, which allows scientists to precisely label parts of living cells and tissue with dyes that glow under special lighting. ...

Cell & Microbiology Aug 9, 2019

Epigenetic mechanism appears to strongly influence healthy aging

Researchers at the Max Delbrueck Center for Molecular Medicine (MDC) have identified an epigenetic mechanism that appears to strongly influence healthy aging. It's a protein that controls muscle integrity, lifespan and levels ...

Plants & Animals Jul 25, 2019

Worm pheromones protect major crops

Protecting crops from pests and pathogens without using toxic pesticides has been a longtime goal of farmers. Researchers at Boyce Thompson Institute have found that compounds from an unlikely source—microscopic soil roundworms—could ...

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