Search results for megaparsec

Astronomy May 25, 2021

Mapping the local cosmic web: Dark matter map reveals hidden bridges between galaxies

A new map of dark matter in the local universe reveals several previously undiscovered filamentary structures connecting galaxies. The map, developed using machine learning by an international team including a Penn State ...

General Physics Apr 28, 2021

Black hole-neutron star collisions may help settle dispute over Universe's expansion

Studying the violent collisions of black holes and neutron stars may soon provide a new measurement of the Universe's expansion rate, helping to resolve a long-standing dispute, suggests a new simulation study led by researchers ...

Astronomy Mar 8, 2021

How fast is the universe expanding? Galaxies provide one answer.

Determining how rapidly the universe is expanding is key to understanding our cosmic fate, but with more precise data has come a conundrum: Estimates based on measurements within our local universe don't agree with extrapolations ...

Astronomy Dec 17, 2020

Multi-messenger astronomy offers new estimates of neutron star size and universe expansion

A combination of astrophysical measurements has allowed researchers to put new constraints on the radius of a typical neutron star and provide a novel calculation of the Hubble constant that indicates the rate at which the ...

General Physics Dec 14, 2020

Are primordial magnetic field theories getting in a twist?

In cosmic voids where the density of galaxies is far lower than standard, astronomers have observed weak magnetic fields that may provide a window into the early universe. The fields 10-17-10-10 G in magnitude with large ...

Astronomy Nov 17, 2020

Gravitational lenses could hold the key to better estimates of the expansion of the universe

The universe is expanding but astrophysicists aren't sure exactly how fast that expansion is happening—not because there aren't answers, but rather because the answers they could give don't agree.

Astronomy Nov 17, 2020

Gravitational lenses measure universe expansion

It's one of the big cosmology debates: The universe is expanding, but how fast exactly? Two available measurements yield different results. Leiden physicist David Harvey adapted an independent third measurement method using ...

Astronomy Jul 27, 2020

New approach refines the Hubble's constant and age of universe

Using known distances of 50 galaxies from Earth to refine calculations in Hubble's constant, a research team led by a University of Oregon astronomer estimates the age of the universe at 12.6 billion years.

Astronomy Jul 16, 2020

New research of oldest light confirms age of the universe

Just how old is the universe? Astrophysicists have been debating this question for decades. In recent years, new scientific measurements have suggested the universe may be hundreds of millions of years younger than its previously ...

Astronomy Jun 11, 2020

New distance measurements bolster challenge to basic model of universe

A new set of precision distance measurements made with an international collection of radio telescopes have greatly increased the likelihood that theorists need to revise the "standard model" that describes the fundamental ...

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