Search results for caviar

Social Sciences Jan 9, 2019

High society wants its fine foods to also be ethical

Truffles and caviar have traditionally been delicacies of the upper class, but a new study by UBC sociology professor Emily Huddart Kennedy and colleagues from the University of Toronto finds that free-range and fair-trade ...

Archaeology Dec 3, 2018

Analysis of 6000-year-old earthenware bowl shows Mesolithic people were better at cooking than thought

A team of researchers with the Max Planck Institute of Molecular Cell Biology and Genetics and the Brandenburgisches Landesamt für Denkmalpflege und Archaeologisches Landesmuseum, both in Germany, has found evidence that ...

Plants & Animals Sep 19, 2018

The wider impact of illegal wildlife trade

Next month, world leaders will gather in London at the 2018 Illegal Wildlife Trade conference with the aim of stimulating the greater political commitment needed to stamp out wildlife crime.

Engineering Sep 13, 2018

Potholes: How engineers are working to fill in the gaps

Potholes are a perennial problem. They are dangerous to road users, and the damage they cause to vehicles can be hugely expensive. The cost of repairing them is also vast. But still they appear, and reappear, in countless ...

Plants & Animals Aug 30, 2018

Little fish, big deal – Baby sturgeon offers hope for the future

It's less than five inches long, slimy, covered in razor-sharp spines and looks like something straight out of one of the Alien movies. But for Fauna & Flora International (FFI) and its partners in Georgia, who are working ...

Environment Aug 12, 2018

Caspian Sea nations to sign landmark deal

The leaders of the five states bordering the Caspian Sea meet in Kazakhstan on Sunday to sign a landmark deal on the inland sea which boasts a wealth of oil and gas reserves and sturgeon.

Ecology Jul 26, 2018

Citizen science helps detect sharks earlier

When Darren Porter obtained his commercial weir license eight years ago and set up shop in Bramber, Nova Scotia, he never thought he'd be at the centre of an international shark-tracking effort.

Ecology Jun 18, 2018

Volgograd—how a dam on the mighty Volga almost killed off the caviar fish

The floodlights will soon be turned on at the newly built Volgograd Arena for the first World Cup match to be held there, between England and Tunisia.

Engineering May 24, 2018

Anti-theft sticker protects your valuables without revealing their location

VTT Technical Research Centre of Finland and Streamr have developed a prototype adhesive ID tag based on blockchain technology, which enables valuable goods to be protected without revealing their location. Possible applications ...

Ecology May 24, 2018

Closing the loop on sustainable aquaculture

On a farm just outside of Sacramento, hundreds of prehistoric-looking fish swim around in 50-foot diameter tanks. These are white sturgeon, the largest freshwater fish in North America. They've been around since dinosaurs, ...

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