Search results for biometric identification systems

Plants & Animals Oct 24, 2017

'Wing prints' may identify individual bats as effectively as fingerprints identify people

Research by a USDA Forest Service scientist and her partners may solve a longtime problem in bat research by demonstrating that bats' wings are as reliable a method of identifying individual bats as fingerprints are for human ...

Security Oct 16, 2017

Ethically designed databases can help police without reducing privacy

Governments seem to think that the only way to protect national security is to own as much data about the public as possible, but this is not the case.

Consumer & Gadgets Sep 14, 2017

Are you OK with using your face to unlock your iPhone?

Your passcode can be hacked, but your face is yours and yours alone. That's the thinking behind Apple's latest security measure, which is more high-tech and a bit more intimate than anything else on the market.

Security Sep 7, 2017

Kenya shows pitfalls of digital elections

Allegations of computer hacking in Kenya's August 8 election have reignited a debate around the use of digital technology in national votes, with experts wondering whether sticking to paper may be best.

Computer Sciences Jul 11, 2017

Your phone to ID you by the way you swipe

Fingerprint scanners are all the rage, yet new research shows that this is just the beginning of biometric identification.

Security May 29, 2017

India's ethical hackers rewarded abroad, ignored at home

Kanishk Sajnani did not receive so much as a thank you from a major Indian airline when he contacted them with alarming news—he had hacked their website and could book flights anywhere in the world for free.

Engineering Mar 30, 2017

Team develops accurate contactless 3-D fingerprint identification system

The research team of The Hong Kong Polytechnic University (PolyU) has developed a system for three-dimensional (3D) fingerprint identification by adopting ground breaking 3D fingerprint minutiae recovery and matching technology, ...

Security Mar 21, 2017

Researchers develop biometric app for smartphone security

Scientists from the Institute of Cyber Intelligence Systems at the National Research Nuclear University MEPhI (Russia) are developing a mobile app called InCallAuth, which allows a smartphone recognize its owner by a characteristic ...

Plants & Animals Feb 16, 2017

Can facial recognition systems help save lemurs?

Facial recognition is a biometric system that identifies or verifies a person from a digital image. It's used to find criminals, identify passport and driver's license fraud, and catch shoplifters. But can it be used to ...

Security Nov 4, 2016

Debunking the myth of password security

When U.S. presidential hopeful Hillary Clinton was found to have used a private email server for government business as Secretary of State, there was a collective gasp of disbelief. That disbelief quickly turned into horror ...

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