Search results for Rosetta

Evolution Mar 17, 2023

Fossil site is 'Rosetta Stone' for understanding early life

Leading edge technology has uncovered secrets about a world-renowned fossil hoard that could offer vital clues about early life on Earth.

Archaeology Mar 6, 2023

Archaeologists dug for evidence of the Rosetta Stone's ancient Egyptian rebellion—here's what they found

The Rosetta Stone is not known for its content, but as a lexicon of Egyptian hieroglyphics. The decree inscribed on the stone, however, discusses a violent revolt—largely lost to history—that shaped the trajectory of ...

Cell & Microbiology Jan 12, 2023

Enzyme 'atlas' helps researchers decipher cellular pathways

One of the most important classes of human enzymes are protein kinases—signaling molecules that regulate nearly all cellular activities, including growth, cell division, and metabolism. Dysfunction in these cellular pathways ...

Space Exploration Dec 16, 2022

Comet Interceptor construction moves forward

ESA and OHB have signed a contract to move forward with the design and construction of ESA's ambitious Comet Interceptor spacecraft, planned for launch in 2029.

Astronomy Dec 7, 2022

Gamma-ray burst is 'Rosetta Stone' for finding neutron star collisions

A highly unusual blast of high-energy light from a nearby galaxy has been linked by scientists to a neutron star merger.

Evolution Dec 6, 2022

Rare new fossil find the 'Rosetta Stone' of marine paleontology

Queensland Museum Network paleontologists have excavated Australia's first head and associated body of a 100-million-year-old long-necked marine reptile in what has been described as the Rosetta Stone of marine reptile paleontology.

Archaeology Nov 2, 2022

Why Tutankhamun's tomb remains one of the greatest archaeological discoveries ever made

A century on, the discovery of Tutankhamun's tomb remains one of the most remarkable archaeological discoveries of the 20th century. Dr. Karin Sowada, director of Macquarie's Australian Center for Egyptology, explains why ...

Environment Nov 2, 2022

Sinking Alexandria faces up to coming catastrophe

Alexandria, Egypt's fabled second city and its biggest port, is in danger of disappearing below the waves within decades.

Environment Nov 2, 2022

Climate change and rising seas threaten Egypt's breadbasket

Sayed Abuel-Ezz has seen his crops wither from seawater before. As the Nile Delta farmer walks among his mango trees on his land not far from the Mediterranean Sea, he worries it will happen again despite spending the equivalent ...

Space Exploration Oct 31, 2022

Mini-radar for asteroid CubeSat

This 10-cm box will make history as the smallest radar instrument to be flown in space—and the very first radar to probe the interior of an asteroid. Its target? The Dimorphos asteroid, which on the night of 26 September ...

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