Search results for chromosphere

Astronomy Sep 12, 2022

High-resolution images of the sun show its chromosphere in vivid detail

New images of the sun's chromosphere—the lower region of the solar atmosphere—have been released, and to say they are "stellar" is an understatement. Simply, they are stunning. The high-resolution images were taken with ...

Astronomy Jul 22, 2022

Sunrise III found safe at landing site

Following the termination of the flight of the balloon-borne solar observatory Sunrise III on July 10, team members have reached the landing site and found the observatory's science payload largely intact. According to current ...

Astronomy May 6, 2022

First rays of sunlight for balloon-borne solar observatory Sunrise III

Approximately a month before it begins its research flight in the stratosphere, the balloon-borne solar observatory Sunrise III has looked at the Sun for the first time from its launch site at the Arctic Circle. In June, ...

Astronomy Apr 20, 2022

Radio flares observed on a nearby M dwarf star

Using the MeerKAT radio telescope, an international team of astronomers have detected radio flares on a nearby M dwarf star known as SCR 1746−3214. The finding, reported in a paper published April 7 on the pre-print server ...

Astronomy Apr 6, 2022

Scientists reveal source of supersonic downflows into sunspots

Solar transition region supersonic downflows (SDs) are downward falling mass flux toward the sunspots. This phenomenon commonly exists above most sunspots. In IRIS spectra, SDs are often observed as strongly redshifted secondary ...

Space Exploration Mar 25, 2022

Zooming into the sun with Solar Orbiter

Solar Orbiter's latest images shows the full sun in unprecedented detail. They were taken on 7 March, when the spacecraft was crossing directly between the Earth and sun.

Astronomy Mar 24, 2022

Nearby star could explain why our sun didn't have sunspots for 70 years

The number of sunspots on our sun typically ebbs and flows in a predictable 11-year cycle, but one unusual 70-year period when sunspots were incredibly rare has mystified scientists for 300 years. Now, a nearby sun-like star ...

Condensed Matter Mar 10, 2022

Science behind jets of plasma occurring all over sun's chromosphere unraveled

Scientists have unraveled the science behind the jets of plasma—the fourth state of matter consisting of electrically charged particles that occur just about everywhere in the sun's chromosphere, which is the atmospheric ...

General Physics Feb 10, 2022

Researchers reveal 3D structure and evolution of magnetic islands in fast magnetic reconnection

A joint research team has found the formation of magnetic islands with the twisted structure in the current sheet during the fast magnetic reconnection for the first time.

Astronomy Oct 29, 2021

Relationship between Li abundance and chromospheric activity indicator for active stars

In a study published in Astronomy & Astrophysics, Prof. Xing Lifeng from Yunnan Observatories of the Chinese Academy of Sciences and his collaborators found the chromospheric activity index of a sample active stars increases ...

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