Search results for tribal energy

Plants & Animals Jan 17, 2024

New species of lamprey fish documented in California

Two potential new species of lamprey fish have been discovered in California waters, according to a University of California, Davis, study. The research is part of a special section on native lampreys published this week ...

Environment Jan 11, 2024

Protecting Alaska's wilderness and the Indigenous way of life is critical to a green future, says advocate

"Alaska is America's natural resource warehouse." That is what Republican Gov. Mike Dunleavy told then-President Donald Trump in 2018. But our home is far more than storage for the next fad of consumer desires in the Lower ...

Other Dec 16, 2023

Saturday Citations: Dogs (woolly) and cats (athletic). Plus: Amino acid precursors on Enceladus, beer goggles on Earth

This week, scientists reported on drinking beer, Saturnian expulsions, an ancient North American dog breed, and cats playing dogs' favorite game, fetch.

Ecology Dec 15, 2023

Biden administration promises $1 billion more for salmon, clean energy, but punts on Lower Snake River dam removal

In a major agreement over the operations of hydropower dams in the Columbia River Basin, the federal government has promised to spend $1 billion to help restore wild salmon, assist in the build-out of new tribal clean energy ...

Environment Nov 30, 2023

From decarbonization to electric cars, California hopes to showcase climate leadership at COP28 summit

World leaders are gearing up for COP28, an annual U.N. climate conference that will begin this week in Dubai, and California is expected to play a sizable role in the proceedings.

Earth Sciences Nov 10, 2023

Low-intensity fires reduce wildfire risk by 60%, according to study

There is no longer any question of how to prevent high-intensity, often catastrophic, wildfires that have become increasingly frequent across the Western U.S., according to a new study by researchers at Stanford and Columbia ...

Social Sciences Nov 10, 2023

'Bluewashing': How ecotourism can be used against Indigenous communities

When the notion of "ecotourism" was introduced in the late 1970s, it was intended to be ecologically responsible, promote conservation, benefit local populations and help travelers foster a "reconnection with biocultural ...

Education Sep 6, 2023

Energy production is powered by more than just physics

Large-scale energy generation projects depend on economics and politics as much as they do on the availability of natural resources and raw materials. Power plant output also extends far beyond electricity, producing a variety ...

Social Sciences Aug 9, 2023

Electric car revolution puts Native communities at risk

Conditions are ripe for an accelerated transition to electric vehicle (EV) use in the United States. The Biden-Harris administration has set a target that 50 percent of newly purchased cars in 2030 be electric. In addition, ...

Economics & Business Aug 1, 2023

Degrowth: Slowing down rich economies to deal with climate change is a flawed idea, argues researcher

The notion of "degrowth" is gaining traction among some politicians in Europe. It was given a platform recently at the European Parliament's "Beyond Growth" conference.

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