Search results for mirror panels

Astronomy Feb 21, 2024

Einstein telescope E-TEST prototype passes its first series of tests

The Einstein telescope project has reached a new stage, with the E-TEST prototype—developed in the ULiège and CSL laboratories—being sent to the Liège Space Centre to undergo a battery of cryogenic and vibration tests. ...

Optics & Photonics Feb 6, 2024

Revolutionizing next-generation VR and MR displays with a novel pancake optics system

Augmented reality (AR), virtual reality (VR) and mixed reality (MR) have expanded perceptual horizons and ushered in deeper human-digital interactions that transcend the confines of traditional flat panel displays.

Astronomy Jan 12, 2024

Reflectors in space could make solar farms on Earth work for longer every day

If you happened to be looking at the sky in Europe on a cold night on February 5, 1993, there is a chance you could have seen a dim flash of light. That flash came from a Russian space mirror experiment called Znamya-2.

Space Exploration Jan 10, 2024

Bad day in space: Moon mission fails and NASA program delayed

A private US lunar lander mission is doomed to fail, and NASA pushes back plans to return astronauts to the moon.

Condensed Matter Dec 14, 2023

New way to charge batteries harnesses the power of 'indefinite causal order'

Batteries that exploit quantum phenomena to gain, distribute and store power promise to surpass the abilities and usefulness of conventional chemical batteries in certain low-power applications. For the first time, researchers, ...

Astronomy Dec 7, 2023

UFOs: How astronomers are searching the sky for alien probes near Earth

There has been increased interest in unidentified flying objects (UFOs) ever since the Pentagon's 2021 report revealed what appears to be anomalous objects in US airspace, dubbed unidentified aerial phenomena (UAP). Fast ...

Nanomaterials Dec 1, 2023

Harvesting more solar energy with two-dimensional supercrystals

When Emiliano Cortés goes hunting for sunlight, he doesn't use gigantic mirrors or sprawling solar farms. Quite the contrary, the professor of experimental physics and energy conversion at LMU dives into the nanocosmos.

Space Exploration Oct 8, 2023

Study quantifies satellite brightness, challenges ground-based astronomy

The ability to have access to the Internet or use a mobile phone anywhere in the world is taken more and more for granted, but the brightness of Internet and telecommunications satellites that enable global communications ...

Analytical Chemistry Sep 28, 2023

More than 20-year-old assumption about beer aroma disproved

Hops-derived constituents not only increase shelf-life and bitterness of beer, but can also significantly influence aroma. An important hop odorant is linalool, which has a floral and citrus-like scent.

Nanophysics Sep 28, 2023

New methods for creating ultra-vibrant optical coatings—applications for solar panels, virtual displays

Case Western Reserve University physicists are developing ultra-thin optical coatings that could dramatically extend the life of solar panels, as well as improve areas like data storage, or protection against counterfeiting.

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