Search results for mackenzie delta

Earth Sciences Mar 21, 2017

Image: Mackenzie river in Canada's northwest territories

This view, acquired on Nov. 7, 2016, by the Operational Land Imager (OLI) on Landsat 8, shows a portion of Canada's Mackenzie River Delta and the town of Inuvik, home to more than 3,000 people. A frozen highway—194 kilometers ...

Environment Nov 30, 2016

Permafrost loss changes Yukon River chemistry with global implications

Permafrost loss due to a rapidly warming Alaska is leading to significant changes in the freshwater chemistry and hydrology of Alaska's Yukon River Basin with potential global climate implications.

Environment Oct 16, 2015

What Exxon knew about global warming's impact on the Arctic

Back in 1990, as the debate over climate change was heating up, a dissident shareholder petitioned the board of Exxon, one of the world's largest oil companies, imploring it to develop a plan to reduce carbon dioxide emissions ...

Earth Sciences Aug 5, 2015

New study traces the fate of carbon stored in thawing Arctic soils

As temperatures rise, some of the organic carbon stored in Arctic permafrost meets an unexpected fate—burial at sea. As many as 2.2 million metric tons of organic carbon per year are swept along by a single river system ...

Earth Sciences Apr 2, 2014

River ice reveals new twist on Arctic melt

A new study led by Lance Lesack, a Simon Fraser University geographer and Faculty of Environment professor, has discovered unexpected climate-driven changes in the mighty Mackenzie River's ice breakup. This discovery may ...

Environment Nov 6, 2013

Drilling for hydrocarbons can impact aquatic life

The degradation of drilling sumps associated with hydrocarbon extraction can negatively affect aquatic ecosystems, according to new research published November 6th in the open-access journal PLOS ONE by Joshua Thienpont and ...

Environment Jun 10, 2013

Potentially 'catastrophic' changes underway in Canada's northern Mackenzie River Basin: report

Canada's Mackenzie River basin—among the world's most important major ecosystems—is poorly studied, inadequately monitored, and at serious risk due to climate change and resource exploitation, a panel of international ...

Earth Sciences Jan 15, 2013

Variability of transparent organic particles in Arctic floodplain lakes

In the North American Arctic the Mackenzie River courses into the Beaufort Sea, the outlet of a watershed that drains a vast swath of the western Canadian landscape. At the river's mouth, the Mackenzie Delta is a broad floodplain ...

Environment Sep 3, 2012

Major world interests at stake in Canada's vast Mackenzie River Basin

The governance of Canada's massive Mackenzie River Basin holds enormous national but also global importance due to the watershed's impact on the Arctic Ocean, international migratory birds and climate stability, say experts ...

Ecology Aug 15, 2012

Scientists identify previously unknown Whimbrel migration pathway over open Atlantic Ocean

( -- Scientists at the College of William & Mary/Virginia Commonwealth University Center for Conservation Biology (CCB) at the VCU Rice Center have tracked three whimbrels off the east coast of Canada to the northern ...

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