Search results for Rosetta

Planetary Sciences Nov 15, 2023

NASA's first successful recovery of asteroid samples may reveal information about the origins of the universe

The OSIRIS-REx mission is NASA's first mission to collect samples from an asteroid—in this case 101955 Bennu—and return to Earth.

Earth Sciences Nov 1, 2023

New insights into the India–Asia collision in the Western Himalayas dating back to circa 55 million years

Hundreds of millions of years ago, the surface of the Earth looked very different from how we see it today. There were just two continents: Laurasia and Gondwanaland. The present Indian subcontinent was part of Gondwanaland, ...

Astronomy Sep 28, 2023

Meteorite discovery: Unusual finds by South African farmer add to space rock heritage

Meteorites—fragments of rock that have fallen to Earth from space in spectacularly fiery meteors—have been the subject of public fascination, awe, myths and even religious worship for thousands of years.

Astronomy Aug 31, 2023

A smoking gun for supermassive binaries in active galactic nuclei

An international research team led by Silke Britzen from the Max Planck Institute for Radio Astronomy in Bonn, Germany, has investigated blazars, accreting supermassive black holes in the centers of galaxies. Blazars show ...

Biotechnology Aug 23, 2023

Researchers design switch-like proteins inspired by transistors

Scientists from the University of Washington have designed custom proteins that can switch between two fully structured conformations. By coupling this molecular motion with a binding event, these proteins serve as biological ...

Ecology Aug 21, 2023

How Salmonella grow together in the gut and exchange antibiotic resistance

The ability to utilize a mere single alternative food source is all it takes for diarrhea-causing Salmonella bacteria to bloom when a gut is already colonized by a closely related strain, according to researchers from ETH ...

Space Exploration Aug 11, 2023

Solar system fingerprints found in memories of ESA flotilla

Memories of solar impact from seven ESA spacecraft have been collected and analyzed in a first-of-its-kind study to better understand the radiation environment in space. Huge amounts of engineering data has been used to reveal ...

Space Exploration Aug 10, 2023

Hera's mini-radar will probe asteroid's heart

The smallest radar to fly in space has been delivered to ESA for integration aboard the miniature Juventas CubeSat, part of ESA's Hera mission for planetary defense. The radar will perform the first radar imaging of an asteroid, ...

Biotechnology Aug 3, 2023

Deep learning for new protein design

The key to understanding proteins—such as those that govern cancer, COVID-19, and other diseases—is quite simple: Identify their chemical structure and find which other proteins can bind to them. But there's a catch.

Economics & Business Jul 17, 2023

System tracks movement of food through global humanitarian supply chain

Although more than enough food is produced to feed everyone in the world, as many as 828 million people face hunger today. Poverty, social inequity, climate change, natural disasters, and political conflicts all contribute ...

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