Search results for Nature

Environment 11 hours ago

Texans should prepare for hotter temperatures, greater risk of fire and flooding

Weather conditions across the Lone Star State are getting more extreme and more dangerous by the year, according to a new report from Texas A&M University professor and State Climatologist John Nielsen-Gammon.

Cell & Microbiology 11 hours ago

Study: Airway hillocks challenge our understanding of lung biology

Airway hillocks are mysterious, flat-topped structures that were only recently identified within regular lung tissue, and their role in airway biology and pathology has previously been unknown.

Ecology 12 hours ago

Study reveals uniqueness of naturally occurring monodominant forests in the Republic of Congo

A recent study published in the journal Plant Ecology and Evolution gives valuable insights into forest stands of Gilbertiodendron dewevrei (G. dewevrei) in the Sangha Trinational region.

Cell & Microbiology 13 hours ago

Cell contraction drives the initial shaping of human embryos, study finds

Human embryo compaction, an essential step in the first days of an embryo's development, is driven by the contractility of its cells. This is the finding of a team of scientists from CNRS, Institut Curie, Inserm, AP-HP and ...

Astronomy 13 hours ago

Euclid telescope: Scientist reports on his quest to understand the nature of dark matter and dark energy

On July 1, 2023, Euclid, a unique European space telescope was launched from Cape Canaveral. The launch was undoubtedly the highlight of my career as an astronomer, but witnessing the result of years of work being put on ...

Environment 13 hours ago

Kenya's devastating floods expose decades of poor urban planning and bad land management

Floods in Kenya killed at least 169 people between March and April 2024. The most catastrophic of these deaths occurred after a flash flood swept through a rural village killing 42 people. Death and destruction have also ...

Economics & Business 13 hours ago

Business and management graduates can become sustainability champions—lessons from Uganda and Tanzania

There is no doubt about it: the world is in the grips of a climate crisis. The headlines are full of reports about extreme weather events and the negative effects of the fossil fuel industry.

Quantum Physics 13 hours ago

Generating graph states of atomic ensembles via photon-mediated entanglement

Graph states, a class of entangled quantum states that can be represented by graphs, have been the topic of numerous recent physics studies, due to their intriguing properties. These unique properties could make them particularly ...

Earth Sciences 13 hours ago

Wondering what Australia might look like in a hotter world? Take a glimpse into the distant past

Current concentrations of carbon dioxide (CO₂) in Earth's atmosphere are unprecedented in human history. But CO₂ levels today, and those that might occur in coming decades, did occur millions of years ago.

Economics & Business 13 hours ago

Opinion: GDP not enough to measure a country's development. What if we used Sustainable Development Goals instead?

Gross domestic product (GDP) has long been the main indicator of economic growth used almost everywhere in the world.

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