Q&A: Why is there so much hype about the quantum computer?

How far along are the quantum technologies? And what do we really mean when we use the word quantum? Senior Adviser Ulrich Busk Hoff has been conducting research into and communicating about quantum physics for several years. ...

Researchers create the world's smallest Christmas record

Measuring only 40 micrometers in diameter, researchers at DTU Physics have made the smallest record ever cut. Featuring the first 25 seconds of the Christmas classic "Rocking Around the Christmas Tree," the single is cut ...

Important bio-chemical produced on a large scale by E.coli

If you had a company that manufactured valuable ingredients for chemicals like detergens or paint, you would probably like to produce the ingredients in large quantities, sustainably, and at a low cost. That's what researchers ...

A persistent influence of supernovae on biodiversity

The number of exploding stars (supernovae) has significantly influenced marine life's biodiversity during the last 500 million years. This is the essence of a new study published in Ecology and Evolution by Henrik Svensmark, ...

Cosmic meddling with the clouds by seven-day magic

Billions of tonnes of water droplets vanish from the atmosphere, as if by magic, in events that reveal in detail how the Sun and the stars control our everyday clouds. Researchers of the National Space Institute in the Technical ...

Solar storms trigger surprising phenomena close to Earth

Eruptions on the Sun's surface send clouds of electrically charged particles towards Earth, producing solar storms that—among other things—can trigger the beautiful Northern Lights over the Arctic regions.

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