Shedding light on rapid emergence of new species

New international research led by Monash University scientists has changed our understanding of the evolutionary processes that can lead to the rapid emergence of new species.

Size may not matter when estimating community energy use

Ecologists often want to understand how a community functions. For example, how much food does a community of animals consume every day? Or how much oxygen do plants produce every day? These functions are often assessed by ...

Shrinking Tasmanian tigers: Resizing an Australian icon

The thylacine, that famous extinct Australian icon colloquially known as the Tasmanian Tiger, is revealed to have been only about half as big as once thought—not a "big" bad wolf after all.

Bacteria's secret weapon revealed

Monash Biomedicine Discovery Institute (BDI) scientists have discovered a previously unknown method used by bacteria to evade immune responses.

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