Ancient cultures a click away

( -- Portals used to launch you, Stargate-style, to bizarre places brought to life by science fiction writers. Today, thanks to European research, portals can take you to fascinating virtual destinations - both ...

Robotic perception, on purpose

( -- European researchers developed technology that enables a robot to combine data from both sound and vision to create combined, purposeful perception. In the process, they have taken the field to a new level.

Breaking down the web barriers bit by bit

( -- Computers and the internet can enable you to communicate globally and provide access to vast stores of information -- provided you have the ability to access it. A system to remove barriers to the internet ...

Me and my files

( -- If you are fed up with juggling too many incompatible devices, European researchers may have the answer. In their 'me-centric' world, you literally wear all your data and transfer what you need to whichever ...

Television control for the remote

( -- A cheap way to deliver interactive communications to remote communities has been successfully tested in Brazil and Italy.

Simplifying complexity -- new insights into how genomes work

( -- A genome is a complex system of genes and factors that regulate them. A European research team has clarified how such dynamic systems work, leading to a new way to predict genetic regulators.

Sexy platform delivers on promises

( -- The SeCSE project promised to deliver an industrial-strength development environment for service-centric software engineering. Its applications deliver on those promises.

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