Twitteracy: Using Twitter to promote academic literacy

By using Twitter—the social network whose users communicate in "tweets" no more than 140 characters long—a Buffalo teacher engaged a group of high school students in a spirited discussion of a novel.

Research shows how plants depend on ants

Temperature, rainfall, soil composition, and sunlight may not be the only contributors to a plant's success. Ants, in their role as seed dispersers, may play an equally important part in determining whether a plant species ...

Expert discusses definition and effects of populism

John Abromeit, associate professor of history and social studies education, is an intellectual historian; he studies the history of ideas. One such idea is populism, a widely used term that is hard to define.

Making fashion sustainable

Soon after new designs hit the fashion runways in New York and Paris, knockoffs can appear on sales racks in as little as two weeks, especially in retail outlets geared toward the young consumer on a budget.

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