New quantum phase discovered for developing hybrid materials

If you have ever watched water freeze to ice, you have witnessed what physicists call a "phase transition." Osaka Metropolitan University scientists have discovered an unprecedented phase transition during which crystals ...

Are Weyl fermions truly massless?

The behavior of electrons' mass within a solid has a significant impact on the flow of electronic and heat energy. Weyl semimetals have emerged as a fascinating class of materials with unique properties. Physical and chemical ...

Scientists optimize defects for better superconducting effects

High-temperature superconducting materials hold enormous promise for a variety of different applications because of their ability to transmit a current without any dissipation at relatively high temperatures—up to around ...

Cutting corners to make superconductors work better

Making superconducting nanocircuits with rounded corners will improve their performance, according to John R. Clem, a physicist at the U.S. Department of Energy’s Ames Laboratory, and Karl K. Berggren, an associate professor ...

Absorption straightens the drunken stagger of light

( —In a study partly funded by the FOM Foundation, physicists from the University of Twente and Yale University have discovered that light travelling through an opaque material follows a straighter path, if the ...

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