'Codeswitching' considered professional, study finds

Black employees who engage in racial codeswitching—adjusting behaviors to optimize the comfort of others in exchange for a desired outcome—are consistently perceived by both Black and white people as more professional ...

Induced changes to political attitude can last over time

Cognitive scientists at Lund University and Karolinska Institutet in Sweden have demonstrated that experimentally induced changes in political attitudes can last over time. Notably, participants who verbally motivated these ...

Uncertainty perception drives public's trust, mistrust of science

Many policies—from medicine to terrorism—depend on how the general public accepts and understands scientific evidence. People view different branches of sciences as having different amounts of uncertainty, which may not ...

Study shows grey squirrels are quick learners

They may be viewed by some as an invasive species or a commonplace pest of public parks, but a new study from the University of Exeter has shown that grey squirrels are actually quick learners capable of adapting tactics ...

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