Personality traits influence whether we shop fair trade

New research from a Kingston University expert shows people with one of three personality traits are more likely to support the fair trade concept. The findings highlight the potential benefits of using personality-based ...

Factors that determine the success of crowdfunding campaigns

Not just the characteristics of a project, but also the city in which it will be implemented and the diversity of the rewards promised to supporters are the key factors that determine the success of a crowdfunding campaign ...

Deep discounts: The nemesis of bargain hunters

Researchers at St. Edward's University have found that frugal individuals are more likely than their spendthrift counterparts to give in to the allure of deep discounts, whether it is Tax-free weekend, Amazon Prime Day, a ...

Don't let pressure of one-upmanship dictate your gift selection

There is a considerable gap in our current understanding of gift-giving because much of what has been studied has focused on gift-giving as an affair between just two consumers—a single giver and a recipient. Little is ...

Political posts causing social media fatigue for many Americans

The 2020 general election is right around the corner and the political climate is heating up. Although Americans have relied on social media as a source of personal connectivity, many are choosing to tune out due to fatigue ...

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