Astronomers rule out one explanation for the Hubble tension

Perhaps the greatest and most frustrating mystery in cosmology is the Hubble tension problem. Put simply, all the observational evidence we have points to a universe that began in a hot, dense state, and then expanded at ...

Astronomers detect new faint tidal disruption event

An international team of astronomers reports the detection of a new tidal disruption event (TDE) as part of All-Sky Automated Survey for SuperNovae (ASAS-SN). The newfound TDE, designated ASASSN-23bd, turns out to be the ...

NASA telescopes chase down 'Green Monster' in star's debris

By bringing together data from two NASA telescopes, astronomers may have solved a mystery around a bizarre structure found in the debris field of an exploded star. Their work has uncovered new details about the star's remains, ...

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