A new micro-robot delivers drugs in capsules

An international team of researchers, led by Professor Hongsoo Choi, Director of DGIST-ETH Microrobot Research Center, has developed capsule-type microrobots that can encapsulate cells and drugs and deliver them to targeted ...

Treating fungal cornea infection with synthetic molecules

A*STAR researchers have created synthetic molecules to treat fungal keratitis – an infection of the cornea that causes visual disability. The new molecules are a first step toward developing effective drugs to combat this ...

Catheter innovation destroys dangerous biofilms

For the millions of people forced to rely on a plastic tube to eliminate their urine, developing an infection is nearly a 100 percent guarantee after just four weeks. But with the help of a little bubble-blowing, biomedical ...

Screw cancer: Microneedle sticks it to cancer tissue

A drug-loaded microrobotic needle effectively targets and remains attached to cancerous tissue in lab experiments without needing continuous application of a magnetic field, allowing more precise drug delivery. The details ...

DNA nanostructures get camouflaged by proteins

Researchers from Aalto University and Helsinki University have reported a strategy that significantly increases the stability of DNA nanostructures against DNA digesting enzymes, enhances delivery rates and, most importantly, ...

Engineers develop a pill for long-term drug release

Researchers from MIT and Brigham and Women's Hospital have designed a new type of pill that, once swallowed, can attach to the lining of the gastrointestinal tract and slowly release its contents. The tablet is engineered ...

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