Analytical Chemistry Sep 19, 2024

When ions go hiking: New insights into solvation kinetics at electrocatalyst surfaces

The ion's pathway is strongly influenced by a process that is ubiquitous across bio- and electrochemistry: ions need to reorganize their solvation shell before they can intercalate into battery cathodes, enter ion channels ...

Cell & Microbiology 9 hours ago

Double-edged STING: A new pathway involved in aging

A protein called STING, previously shown to control a pathway that contributes to antiviral signaling, also plays an important role in cellular stress clearance and cell survival, according to a new paper published in Molecular ...

Condensed Matter Sep 18, 2024

Antiferromagnetic spintronics advance opens door to next-gen electronics

University of Nebraska–Lincoln researchers have achieved a breakthrough in antiferromagnetic spintronics, a development that could expand the nanotechnology's capabilities, which have been limited by their need for excessive ...

Plants & Animals Sep 19, 2024

Buzz-pollinating bees shake pollen loose with rapid vibrations and biting, study shows

Bumblebees collect pollen by various methods. Some types of flowers, such as potato plants, need tougher treatment to make them release their pollen. In these cases, the bee uses a technique called "buzz pollination" where ...

Nanomaterials 10 hours ago

Magnetic micro spinbots can perform ultraprecise surface polishing and cleaning

A research team has unveiled an innovative technology for ultraprecision surface polishing and cleaning using simultaneously operating magnetic micro spinbots. These tiny robots, capable of nanometer-scale contaminant removal ...

Education Sep 16, 2024

Researchers test ChatGPT, other AI models against real-world students

William Hersh, M.D., who has taught generations of medical and clinical informatics students at Oregon Health & Science University, found himself curious about the growing influence of artificial intelligence. He wondered ...

Plants & Animals 11 hours ago

Black garden ants modify the structure of their nests to mitigate fungal infection spread

A small team of biologists at the University of Bristol has found that black garden ants modify the physical structure of their nests to mitigate infection spread. The group has written a paper describing the experiments ...

Biochemistry 6 hours ago

AI tools help uncover enzyme mechanisms for lasso peptides

Lasso peptides are natural products made by bacteria. Their unusual lasso shape endows them with remarkable stability, protecting them from extreme conditions. In a new study, published in Nature Chemical Biology, researchers ...

Planetary Sciences 10 hours ago

Algorithm used on Mars rover helps scientists on Earth see data in a new way

A new algorithm tested on NASA's Perseverance Rover on Mars may lead to better forecasting of hurricanes, wildfires, and other extreme weather events that impact millions globally.

Earth Sciences Sep 16, 2024

Contrail avoidance is less likely to damage climate by mistake than previously thought, researchers find

A new study allays fears that rerouting flights to avoid forming climate-warming contrails could result in inadvertently making climate warming worse.

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