
Poison in the Arctic and the human cost of 'clean' energy

Methylmercury, a potent neurotoxin, is especially high in Arctic marine life but until recently, scientists haven't been able to explain why. Now, research from the Harvard John A. Paulson School of Engineering and Applied ...

Ancient genomes link early farmers to Basques

An international team led by researchers at Uppsala University reports a surprising discovery from the genomes of eight Iberian Stone-Age farmer remains. The analyses revealed that early Iberian farmers are the closest ancestors ...

Success combating multi-resistant bacteria in stables

Multi-resistant bacteria represent a major problem not only in hospitals but also in animal husbandry. A study of the University Bonn describes how a farmer successfully eliminated these pathogens entirely from his pig stable. ...

Flood zones could expand, raising costs for some Coloradans

New research shows floods like the one that ransacked northern Colorado two years ago, killing 10 people, might be more common than previously thought—and that could require more homeowners to get flood insurance and trigger ...

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