
Two Nanostructures Are Better Than One

Imagine using minuscule structures the size of molecules to harvest sunlight and convert it into electricity. Or employing the same structures to store hydrogen fuel so that it fits into a car’s gas tank. Or replacing today’s ...

Breaking down superfluidity

“One of the most exciting areas of research in the last few years has been the realization of the BEC-BCS crossover,” Wolfgang Ketterle tells PhsyOrg.com. Ketterle and a team of scientists at the MIT-Harvard Center for ...

Bacteria from sponges make new pharmaceuticals

Thousands of interesting new compounds have been discovered inside the bodies of marine sponges according to scientists speaking today at the Society for General Microbiology’s 161st Meeting at the University of Edinburgh, ...

Pop stars more than twice as likely to die an early death

Rock and pop stars are more than twice as likely as the rest of the population to die an early death, and within a few years of becoming famous, reveals research published ahead of print in the Journal of Epidemiology and ...

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