
Climate change impacts stream life

Climate change is warming Welsh streams and rivers, affecting the number and variety of some of their smallest animals, a major Cardiff University study has found.

GIOVE-A transmits first navigation message

Earlier this week, GIOVE-A successfully transmitted its first navigation message, containing the information needed by user receivers to calculate their position. Prior to reaching this milestone, the satellite had been broadcasting ...

Warming climate gives gardens a makeover

U.S. gardeners say the only upside to global warming is a longer growing season and the chance to grow palm trees and subtropical plants.

Netgear Acquires Infrant for $60M

Router company Netgear announced Thursday that it has acquired networked storage provider Infrant for $60 million in cash, and the deal is expected to close in the second quarter of '07.

Supreme Court Decision Challenges Software Patents

The KSR decision may not put an end to bad patents and patent trolls, but legal experts agree that at least it's a step forward in the always contentious field of software patents.

The equivalent of a new quantum liquid?

“Physicists usually study anyons when there are a few of them and they are far separated,” Adrian Feiguin, a researcher at Microsoft Research Station Q at the University of California, Santa Barbara tells PhysOrg.com. ...

Has Digg Dug a Legal Hole for Itself?

Call it the Internet's version of a bloodless coup. A revolt by users of Digg.com led the administrators of the Web site to reverse a decision to remove stories containing code used to circumvent digital rights management ...

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