
Mars 'Curiosity' has ORNL tech

The Curiosity rover that was launched toward Mars over the Thanksgiving holiday includes a significant contribution from ORNL and DOE. The mobile instrument platform, which is too large to rely on solar-powered batteries, ...

Pollen research not be sniffed at

Pollen may annoy allergy sufferers in springtime but, viewed under the microscope, a pollen grain is a thing of beauty. Amazing images and facts about pollen are part of an exhibition at CSIRO Discovery in Canberra beginning ...

Indian Ocean cocktail party leaves trail of party hats behind

(PhysOrg.com) -- Scientists have unexpectedly found traces of the supercontinent Gondwana in the Indian Ocean - in the process solving a mystery behind a large group of ocean 'mountains' known as seamounts, including Christmas ...

Life on alien planets may not require a large moon after all

Ever since a study conducted back in 1993, it has been proposed that in order for a planet to support more complex life, it would be most advantageous for that planet to have a large moon orbiting it, much like the Earth’s ...

Physicists propose search for fourth neutrino

(PhysOrg.com) -- Physicists know that neutrinos (and antineutrinos) come in three flavors: electron, muon, and tau. In several experiments, researchers have detected each of the neutrino flavors and even watched them “oscillate” ...

Researchers freely share LCLS experiment data on public database

In 2009, when biophysicist Ilme Schlichting and her colleagues applied to use the X-ray laser at SLAC’s Linac Coherent Light Source, they added a radical idea to their proposal: They would make all the data they collected ...

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