
Chimpanzees create social traditions

(Phys.org)—Researchers have revealed that chimpanzees are not only capable of learning from one another, but also use this social information to form and maintain local traditions. A research collaboration between the Gonzaga ...

Small droplets grow differently

(Phys.org)—Fine dew drops on spider webs, blades of grass, and even insects can lend them breathtaking beauty. And, examining them very closely, one recognises that the drops themselves form astonishingly regular and aesthetic ...

Cooler waters help diminish Isaac's punch

(Phys.org)—Seven years after the powerful Category 3 Hurricane Katrina caused widespread devastation along the Gulf Coast, a Category 1 Hurricane Isaac, with maximum sustained winds of 80 miles per hour (70 knots), is making ...

Dad's brain means more than his money

(Phys.org)—Sons of fathers with high incomes tend to end up with higher than average incomes themselves, but new research shows that it's not just dad's money that helps a son on his way.

Expedition returns wealth of data on whales, sea lions and birds

A University of Otago led multi-disciplinary expedition to the Sub-Antarctic Auckland Islands has recently returned with an abundance of scientific data on whales, sea lions and birds, but also evidence of ship-strike on ...

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