
Urban rail reduces carbon monoxide air pollution

The opening of a major urban rail system in Taiwan caused a meaningful reduction in air pollution, according to a forthcoming study by two professors at the University of California, Merced.

Archaeological dig uncovers artifacts

Scientific equipment belonging to an Enlightenment figure has been found in an archaeological dig at the University.

Study on football: Women get up faster

When women play football (soccer), the individual interruptions, for instance for substitutions or to cheer a goal, are a lot shorter than when men play. In particular after injuries men remain on the ground significantly ...

OECD forum stands by 'light touch' on Internet regulation

Key players in the Internet world stressed that the "light touch" approach to regulation, along with a free flow of information remained vital to life on the web, the OECD said on Wednesday after a two-day meeting.

Canada seeks to breed a better honey bee

Following a massive bee die-off in parts of the world, two Canadian universities on Wednesday launched an effort to breed honey bees resistant to pests and diseases.

Sony names Andrew House as head of games unit

(AP) -- Still reeling from a series of high-profile hacker attacks, Sony has named Andrew House as the president and group CEO of its video game unit, Sony Computer Entertainment.

Astronomers find universe's most distant quasar (w/ video)

(PhysOrg.com) -- A team of European astronomers has used ESO’s Very Large Telescope and a host of other telescopes to discover and study the most distant quasar found to date. This brilliant beacon, powered by a black ...

How do electrons become entangled?

(PhysOrg.com) -- A Princeton researcher and his international collaborators have used lasers to peek into the complex relationship between a single electron and its environment, a breakthrough that could aid the development ...

Hawaiian hotspot variability attributed to small-scale convection

(PhysOrg.com) -- Small scale convection at the base of the Pacific plate has been simulated in a model of mantle plume dynamics, enabling reasearchers to explain the complex set of observations at the Hawaiian hotspot, according ...

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