
Surge in mobile network infections in 2013, says report

Alcatel-Lucent today released new data showing that security threats to mobile devices continues its rapid rise, infecting at any time more than 11.6 million devices and putting their owners at increased risk for stolen personal ...

Sussex fungicides may help fight ash dieback

A new fungicide treatment developed at the University of Sussex is emerging as a weapon in the fight to inhibit growth of Chalara fraxinea, which causes ash dieback, according to initial trials at The Sainsbury Laboratory.

Large testicles are linked to infidelity

There is a clear correlation between the size of the testicles of male primates and the proneness to infidelity of females. Learn more about sex, sperm and infidelity at the anniversary exhibition Sexus.

Crossing the threshold for laser cooling

(Phys.org) —Gallium nitride has emerged as one of the most widely used materials in the optoelectronics industry and the most important semiconducting material after silicon.

Treatment plant engineered for rising oceans

Climate change may not have been as prominent in the headlines in the 1980s as it is today, but it was certainly on the minds of engineers designing a new sewage-treatment plant for Boston.

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