
Haze returns to Indonesia as fires rage

Fires cloaked parts of Indonesia's Sumatra in thick smog Tuesday, forcing the cancellation of flights, two months after blazes on the island sparked Southeast Asia's worst haze crisis for years.

Top French court overrules Mercedes sales ban

France's top administrative court Tuesday overruled a contentious government decision to ban the sale of some Mercedes models on the grounds that they posed a threat to the environment.

Tennessee high school students publish in top science journal

Two Tennessee high school students have now done what many scientists strive for: publishing their research in a top science journal. Dalton Chaffee and Hayes Griffin worked with mentor R. Tucker Gilman, a former postdoctoral ...

NASA: Rim Fire update Aug. 27, 2013

Fire crews had their hands full with very active fire behavior today. Near Duckwall Ridge, the fire spotted across the line with crews working to control the spot.

Earthquakes and tectonics in Pamir Tien Shan

Real time analysis of shear waves as a means of earth quake hazard mitigation. First time observed continental subduction in a continent-continent collision.

Dating violence impedes victims' earnings

Dating violence in adolescence not only takes a physical and emotional toll on young women, it also leads to less education and lower earnings later in life, according to a first-of-its-kind study led by a Michigan State ...

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