
NASA postpones last shuttle mission to November

NASA has pushed to November the launch of one of its three remaining shuttle missions to modify an experiment module to be attached to the International Space Station (ISS).

Robot takes on battle of the bulge

Imagine something between a computer game and a pet that helps makes you slim. One inventor did just that and came up with Autom -- a robot that will look dieters in the eye and tell them what they need to hear.

China's Alibaba teams up with US PayPal

Chinese e-commerce firm Alibaba said Tuesday its new transaction platform would accept payments from users of US online payment service PayPal, amid efforts to expand overseas.

Senators see privacy problem in Facebook expansion

(AP) -- Four U.S. senators want Facebook to make it easier for its more than 400 million users to protect their privacy as the website develops new outlets to share personal information.

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