
Student designs drone to study starlings

(Phys.org) —Like something out of a science fiction movie, Scott Davis's remote controlled "octocopter" hovers above the ground and then soars over treetops, attracting the attention of onlookers who glance skyward.

Combating obesity with new Okinawan rice

In recent years, Okinawa has recorded the dubious distinction of having the highest obesity rate in Japan. Preventing obesity-related diseases is an urgent issue. Professor Hidetoshi Saze of the OIST Plant Epigenetics Unit ...

Wind power cost competitive with natural gas, study finds

(Phys.org) —The costs of using wind energy and natural gas for electricity are virtually equal when accounting for the full private and social costs of each, making wind a competitive energy source for the United States, ...

Cone snails have multiple venoms

(Phys.org) —Cone snails change "weapons" depending on whether they are hunting or defending themselves, University of Queensland researchers have discovered.

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