
NASA/NOAA water vapor animations over oceans

Knowing where water vapor is in the atmosphere is one of many factors forecasters use to identify weather features. The NASA/NOAA GOES Project has now created two new types of animations based on satellite data that indicate ...

Scientists call for preservation of disappearing grasslands

(Phys.org) —Before widespread urbanization and poor agricultural practices, grasslands covered North America. Today, many of the four major types of grasslands have sustained extensive damage, and some are in danger of ...

Ensuring the safety of artisan cheese

Buying fresh goat cheese at a local farmer's market or selecting a piece of sharp cheddar from a display of artisanal cheese at the supermarket offers the promise of a nutritious and flavorful snack. Dennis D'Amico, assistant ...

Fire shuts down Stanford linear accelerator (Update)

The linear accelerator at Stanford University's SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory in California is shut down and two research labs idled after a fire damaged electrical equipment that helps power the accelerator.

A breakthrough for organic reactions in water

Green-chemistry researchers at McGill University have discovered a way to use water as a solvent in one of the reactions most widely used to synthesize chemical products and pharmaceuticals.

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