
New bird discovered after its extinction

After almost 120 years in the Natural History Museum collections, a new Colombian bird has been discovered, and proclaimed extinct.

Study assesses impact of fish stocking on aquatic insects

The impact fish stocking has on aquatic insects in mountain lakes can be rapidly reversed by removing non-native trout, according to a study completed by U.S. Forest Service and University of California, Davis, scientists.

Evolutionary origin of bacterial chromosomes revealed

Researchers have unveiled the evolutionary origin of the different chromosomal architectures found in three species of Agrobacterium. A comprehensive comparison of the Agrobacterium sequence information with the genome sequences ...

Untangling the genetic web

They are large, hairy and some are big enough to devour lizards, mice and birds. Despite their fearsome reputation spiders such as tarantulas — and even the tiny money spider — are now helping researchers at The University ...

Does prebiotic material exist in space?

Spanish and French astrophysicists have identified a band in the infrared range that serves to track the presence of organic material rich in oxygen and nitrogen in the interstellar dust grains. Should any telescope detect ...

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