
Review: Downloading Mac software, made simple

By now, many of you are familiar with the App Store on iTunes - the portal through which Apple Inc. sells mobile applications, or "apps," for its family of iPhones, iPads and iPod Touches.

Facebook founder Zuckerberg's fan page hacked

Facebook on Wednesday said a software "bug" let a hacker impersonate the social network's founder Mark Zuckerberg in a comment posted to his public fan page at the website.

Gender and hygiene: Could cleanliness be hurting girls?

Little girls growing up in western society are expected to be neat and tidy – "all ribbon and curls" – and one researcher who studies science and gender differences thinks that emphasis may contribute to higher ...

A loophole means unlimited data for AT&T iPhone

(AP) -- Verizon Wireless will start offering the iPhone on Feb. 10 with a draw that AT&T no longer offers to new subscribers: a plan with unlimited data usage. But The Associated Press has learned that some AT&T iPhone users ...

'Hidden plumbing' helps slow Greenland ice flow

Hotter summers may not be as catastrophic for the Greenland ice sheet as previously feared and may actually slow down the flow of glaciers, according to new research.

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