
Indonesia warns volcano could erupt at any time

(AP) -- Indonesia warned Monday that its most volatile volcano could erupt at any time and started evacuating some of the thousands of villagers living on the mountain's slope.

US newspaper circulation drops five percent

Average daily US newspaper circulation fell 4.99 percent during the six months ending on September 30 compared with the same period a year ago, the Audit Bureau of Circulations (ABC) said.

7.7-magnitude quake hits off Indonesian island

(AP) -- A powerful earthquake hit off western Indonesia late Monday, briefly triggering a tsunami warning that sent thousands of panicked residents fleeing to high ground. There were no immediate reports of damage or injuries.

Changes in energy R&D needed to combat climate change

A new assessment of future scenarios that limit the extent of global warming cautions that unless current imbalances in R&D portfolios for the development of new, efficient, and clean energy technologies are redressed, greenhouse ...

Plagiarism sleuths tackle full-text biomedical articles

In scientific publishing, how much reuse of text is too much? Researchers at the Virginia Bioinformatics Institute at Virginia Tech and collaborators have shown that a computer-based text-searching tool is capable of unearthing ...

Golden eagles studied by satellite

Large-scale wind farm establishment may have a negative effect on Sweden's golden eagles. In a unique project in northern Sweden, scientists at the Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences (SLU) are trapping adult golden ...

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