
Obama needs to show Americans he's still 'one of them'

To win a second term in office, President Obama needs to persuade voters that he is still one of them – and recapture some of the charisma that help propel him to the top four years ago. However, this is clearly a challenge ...

Contaminant transport in the fungal pipeline

Leipzig. Fungi are found throughout the soil with giant braiding of fine threads. However, these networks have surprising functions. Only a few years ago researchers from the Helmholtz Centre for Environmental Research (UFZ) ...

With the crisis, less money is wagered but more people play

Scientists from the Institute of Policy and Governance (whose initials in Spanish are IPOLGOB) at the UC3M have over the last three years compiled information and carried out a series of studies which have enabled them to ...

Global expansion all about give and take, study finds

The key to successful global business expansion is spreading operations across multiple countries, rather than trying to dominate a region or market, according to a new study led by Michigan State University researchers.

Two Solar System puzzles solved

Comets and asteroids preserve the building blocks of our Solar System and should help explain its origin. But there are unsolved puzzles. For example, how did icy comets obtain particles that formed at high temperatures, ...

Forest carbon monitoring breakthrough in Colombia

Using new, highly efficient techniques, Carnegie and Colombian scientists have developed accurate high-resolution maps of the carbon stocks locked in tropical vegetation for 40% of the Colombian Amazon (165,000 square kilometers/64,000 ...

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